
Sunday 29 June 2014

China allocates fund to build rail link from Kashgar to Gawadar

BEIJING: China has reportedly commissioned a "preliminary research study" to construct an international rail link connecting its province Xinjiang’s border to Pakistan.
China has allocated funds for preliminary research on building an international railway connecting Kashgar in Xinjiang with Pakistan's deep-sea Gwadar Port on the Arabian Sea.
"The 1,800-km China-Pakistan railway is planned to also pass through Islamabad and Karachi," Zhang said at the two-day International Seminar on the Silk Road Economic Belt.
"Although the cost of constructing the railway is expected to be high due to the hostile environment and complicated geographic conditions, the study of the project has already started," Zhang added whilst referring to recurring attacks carried out by extremist groups in Pakistan.
Xinjiang itself is in a restive state due to attacks by East Turkestan Islamic Movement (ETIM) militants within the province as well as in Beijing and other Chinese cities.
China and Pakistan have already signed a multi-billion-dollar deal to construct an Economic Corridor through AJK connecting Kashgar with Gwadar by improving the existing Karakorum road link, though analysts in China questioned its feasibility in view of present conditions.

According to Chinese officials, the new rail link, which runs through the Pamir Plateau and Karakorum mountains, will be one of the hardest to build.

Thursday 26 June 2014

Deadly attacks, low turnout mar Libya election

Seven soldiers deployed to provide polling day security in second city Benghazi were killed.

TRIPOLI (AFP) - A deadly attack on troops, the killing of a rights activist and low turnout marred a parliamentary election Libyan authorities hope will end the political turmoil rife since the ouster of Moamer Kadhafi.
Seven soldiers deployed to provide polling day security in second city Benghazi were killed, and 53 injured, in what security officials said was an attack on their convoy by Islamist militia.
Later lawyer and human rights activist Salwa Bugaighis was shot dead by unknown assailants at her home in Benghazi, hospital and security sources said.
A former member of the National Transitional Council, the 2011 anti-Kadhafi rebellion's political wing, she was vice president of a preparatory committee for national dialogue in Libya.
The eastern city, which was the scene of a deadly 2012 attack on the US consulate, has been tense since a rogue former rebel commander launched an offensive against powerful Islamist groups late last month, drawing many regular army units to his side.
The electoral commission was also forced to close 18 polling stations in the western town of Al-Jemil after unidentified gunmen attacked five of them and stole ballot boxes, a local security official said.
By the time polls closed at 1800 GMT on Wednesday, just 630,000 of the 1.5 million registered voters had cast their ballot, a 47 percent turnout, according to preliminary estimates by the electoral commission.
The number of registered voters itself is a far cry from the more than 2.7 million who signed up two years ago for Libya's first ever free election. Almost 3.5 million Libyans are eligible to vote.

- A patchwork of militias -

In the past few weeks, Libya has been rocked by a crisis that sees two rival cabinets jostling for power in a crippling showdown between Islamists and liberals, as violence raged in the east.
A patchwork of militias, including Islamic extremists, who helped overthrow Kadhafi in the 2011 NATO-backed uprising have been blamed for violence that has continued unabated since then.
"These are the last chance elections. We are placing much hope in the future parliament to restore the security and stability of our country," said Amr Baiou, 32, as he emerged from a polling station in Tripoli.
No voting was held in the eastern town of Derna, a stronghold of jihadists, for fear of attacks on polling stations.
In the south, just five out 15 polling stations opened in the Kufra region for "security reasons," the electoral commission said.
Interim prime minister Abdullah al-Thani said the election was "proceeding normally."
"Regarding the organisation of voting in Derna, there will be measures to take this week," he added without elaborating.
The heavily armed rebels who ousted and killed Kadhafi have carved out their own fiefdoms in the deeply tribal country, some even seizing oil terminals and crippling crude exports from a sector key to government revenues.
The General National Congress (GNC), or parliament, which has served as Libya's highest political authority since the revolt, was elected in the free July 2012 polls.
But it has been mired in controversy and accused of hogging power, with successive governments complaining its role as both executive and legislative authority has tied their hands in taming militias.

- First results Friday or Saturday -

The crisis came to a head in February when the assembly, whose term had been due to expire, decided to prolong its mandate until December.
That sparked street protests and forced lawmakers to announce the election.
Voters are choosing from among 1,628 candidates, with 32 seats in the 200-strong GNC reserved for women and would-be MPs banned from belonging to any political party.
The first results are expected on Friday or Saturday.
The UN Security Council has expressed hopes that the vote can be a stepping stone out of the chaos.
"These elections are an important step in Libya's transition towards stable democratic governance," it said this week.
For analyst Salem Soltan, none of the candidates standing in the elections "carry the political or social weight" needed in the assembly.
The new parliament risks "being run by shadow MPs, who will act according to instructions from warlords and militias," he said.
But some of those taking part in Wednesday's poll disagreed.
"We are voting so as not to repeat the mistakes of the past," said Salah al-Thabet.
"We voted in the first elections just to vote. This time I have really researched the candidates, and I voted for the right people," added the 62-year-old pensioner, after casting his ballot in central Tripoli.

260257 GMT JUN 14 

ICC agrees to grant 'Big Four' status to Pakistan: PCB

Agreement was reached between BCCI and PCB to play six series between 2015 and 2023.

LAHORE (Web Desk) – The International cricket Council (ICC) has agreed to grant fourth rank to Pakistan after the  Big Three,  the Pakistan Cricket Board (PCB) announced on Thursday.
Pakistan has made extraordinarily significant gains at the International Cricket Council’s (ICC) annual meeting at Melbourne on Thursday, the PCB stated in a press release.
“Of the three major concessions that PCB Chairman Mr. Najam Sethi was able to secure to Pakistan’s great advantage are: After N. Srinivasan’s election as the first ICC Chairman in a landslide, India has officially turned the MOUs signed earlier this year with regard to six rubbers between the two nations, four of these to be hosted by the PCB in the UAE or Pakistan with mutual consent, into binding agreements straightaway. The six tours are now part of the Future Tours Programme and are to be played from 2015 to 2023,” the PCB said.
The board further stated “another major achievement was the ICC agreeing Thursday to grant Pakistan the fourth rank after the  Big Three  – India, England and Australia – in terms of the percentage of revenue to be received from the ICC in the next eight years from broadcasting and other rights on ICC fixtures.”
The ICC has also confirmed that Pakistan will get the position of the global body s President for two years with effect from June 2015.
“The PCB had organized itself and planned to get maximum advantage for Pakistan cricket from an extremely precarious position. We have accomplished all our objectives." PCB chief Najam Sethi said while speaking in Melbourne. 
He hoped that in the times to come Pakistan Cricket shall greatly benefit from what PCB has been able to obtain for it today.
source : dunya news